Monday, February 25, 2013

What's for Dinner? Whole Fish in a Salt shell

Easy Meal 
"..I feel like whole fish for dinner, but I don't feel like cooking or doing anything to the fish... oh man, we should just go out..." Does this sound familiar? Does cooking whole fish sound too challenging? Well, we have news for you! This is actually how we started our week craving a nice whole fish (like we had in Jaffa, Israel by the sea) and we did not feel like spending a huge amount of time on it. We decided on a simple technique that resulted in a great meal.

All you need is a fresh fish or two, depending on your hunger level (or how big your eyes are..), sea salt - one pound for every pound of fish and egg white (I used an egg substitute and it worked fine). make a mixture from salt and egg white, place  1/3 in a baking pan, place the fish in center, if you have more then one fish you should create good spacing between them, than cover the fish with the rest of salt mixture and bake at 420 F for 25 min for a 2-3 lb fish. If you have a large dinner party a bigger fish would do the trick, just remember to think in advance if you have that much salt and a good size baking pan. Remember a bigger fish would require a longer time, a general role would be to add ~ 10 min for every pound. For example a 5 lb fish would require 45 -50 min in the oven.
After the oven let the fish rest for about 5 min, than use a knife to break the crust. The fish will be moist, creamy and just absolutely wonderful! Enjoy and watch for bones.


Break the hard salt shell and dig in while it's hot!

We selected Brazini (AKA European Seabass) and had it descaled and gutted at the market.If you are into sustainability then you should review the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch when shopping for fish or selecting fish in a restaurant. They even have an app for a smart phone. We got the Brazini at Whole Foods which does well by another guide or better described as a scorecard Whole Foods does ok forget about Trader Joes.

Leave you with these beautiful flowers we enjoy around the house.
Happy Purim and have a great rest of your weekend, Bob and Yifat.


  1. Looks good, what is the pancake like side dish?

    Salt cooking is a ancient technic I experienced in San Fransico, here is an article on salt cooking

  2. Great Link! This article is a good addition to the post especially since we like the science behind cooking. We will try some of the techniques in the story. We don't eat alot of meat but the pan fried steak with a salt dusting sounds interesting and we love Indian food so I may look into clay pot cooking.
    I am glad someone asked about the pancake side dish. It is a ....drum roooolllll.... sauerkraut pancake. I experimented with sauerkraut and it came out fairly good, but still needs work. It is a for a future post, but basically flour, almond milk and sauerkraut. What is most interesting was that I realized that if sauerkraut worked well the technique could be used to make any kind of pancake... next fennel.

  3. Would not have thought of sauerkraut!
