Thursday, June 27, 2013

Veggie Burger Delight!


Every once in awhile, we will get in the mode of eating a burger. Is it only me?! or do you get happy memories of having one, and you get excited when you know eating a burger is in your near future!?
For me it works even as my significant other is cooking one of his special veggie burgers, I think I get even happier because they are so good and they are healthy - keeping my conscience clean!

last night he informed me "we are having a burger" and as I grew happy and worried free, he started to get irritated, "we don't have half of the things the recipe calls for" and "how can you find anything in this mess?!?!?" that would directed to my pantry - which I have to admit got a bit out of control. my glass jar collection of nuts, seeds, dried beans, teas and other goodies gave birth to some more jars - otherwise I cant really explain what is going on there...  but that's a side note, back to our burger dilemma - trying this recipe or not, for me there was no going back, my stomach was thinking about this yummy burger and so helped switching flax meal with a mix of chia seeds and hemp seeds (hey - they are all super foods and get sticky with water - how can we go wrong?!) and Bob was ready to do the best he could with what we had. 20 min later we ate a delicious burger and no, no fries, but a wonderful summer salad in front of the T.V - hey we are humans after all ;)

Bob's burger is based on this veggie burger recipe, but we replace the following: Dulse for Mushrooms, Flax meal with a mix of Chia and Hemp seeds horseradish-flavored mustard with horseradish and surprisingly we had TVP (textured vegetable protein)! While he was working on that I found 2 (lucky for us) frozen sprouted whole wheat buns and had time to experiment with left over beet salad and an avocado. It was a short experiment - you chop and mix all the ingredients (I used our vita-mix) plus a lemon and a bit of salt and the results are an amazing spread to use on your bun or as a dip for your veggies. The color ,rich purple, makes it so much more fun and special.

I think last night's burger had an all together different taste from the original - but now that we actually bought Dulse and Flex meal I'm ready to give this receipt another try!

Have a wonderful worth sharing testing in your kitchen,
Bob and Yifat

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Do you love your farmers market?

Here's to being in-love!
I'm in-love with the city we live in, with my husband, with the weather and with the farmer's market. 
Reno is such a cool place. Around town we have so many farmer's markets and our community embraces them. Every Saturday morning we are going to the closest one, within 2 miles, usually with some vague plan that is ready to be changed based on what is available, looks, tastes and smells good to us.  Many times I will see something new and unfamiliar and I will ask the farmer what it is and how to cook/eat it. Bob will shake his head and look at the watch. Saturdays are not to be spent in conversation with strangers :)
We try to eat fresh ,local grown, sometimes organic vegetables and fruit throughout the year and fresh fruit is something I really miss during the winter! Now I'm finding myself waiting for the weekend to see what else we can find.

Last week we bought 3 lemon cucumbers to try in a salad, and a herb name Lovage to grow in my herb garden.

Lemon Cucumber and Dill
What is really cool is how the veggies themselves change. Garlic is the best example, several weeks ago green garlic was really green, we used it all the time in salads and egg dishes. It was really mellow. Each week the green garlic has gotten closer to its mature state with distinct cloves. Until then it is tender with very little of the parchment type skin it gets when more mature.
On a typical Saturday we'll get home and start planning our lunch which will usually involve one or two salads, a veggie dish and maybe some fruit.
This weekend we had great finds, and we BBQ'd; corn on the cob, turnips, interesting looking squash and fresh garlic - all turned out wonderful and we made a soy-garlic sauce to sprinkle on top.

Corn, Garlic and Squash BBQ!

Our Table

My plate half way

To pair with it, from with last week craziness (we bought this silly amount of beets), I chopped all of them and made a fresh beet salad with a third and bagged the rest for a quick add-in to salads and shakes. 

you can see a similar beet salad we have done before here.

It turned out to be the perfect Saturday with friends dropping by and having a watermelon on our newly cleaned deck.

Have a wonderful week and eat veggies!
Bob and Yifat