Saturday, November 24, 2012


Thanksgiving Dinner 2012
 We decided to go vegan for thanksgiving, why? Well we have hot sausage sandwiches and all kinds of Pittsburgh food (have you heard of Primanti Brothers?) in a few weeks and a big turkey dinner coming up for Christmas, so what the heck.

 We did the Turkey Trot (10K Run) and then we went to Whole Foods and looked in the Well Eating Magazine (expensive) and the Whole Health (free) for recipes. We decided to stuff an acorn squash and found a recipe for wild rice pilaf that looked like it belonged in an acorn squash. A creamed Kale recipe looked good and we finished with a vegan recipe for key lime pie.

Game on!

The rice pilaf took a looong time but it was worth it. A link to the recipe is below. The acorn squash is a good addition to your repertoire. It is easy, quick, flavorful and stuffable with all kinds of things. It makes you look like a kitchen pro. The recipe for the acorn squash is simple: cut in half (without stabbing yourself) and scoop out the seeds, put open side down on a lightly oiled baking pan and cook at 350 for 20 or 30 minutes or until the flesh is to your liking. 

Wild Rice Pilaf Recipe
While the wild rice pilaf was cooking I (Bob) had plenty of time to do roasted veggies, the vegan key lime pie, and the acorn squash (Yifat was sampling the spiced wine and going over the news paper looking for black friday deals :0 ).
The Wild Rice Pilaf was worth the effort, the flavors had you wanting more. The key lime pie had to wait until the day after thanksgiving, but wow, you need to try this raw, vegan dessert slam dunk!

We will talk more about the raw, vegan Key lime "cheescake" in another post, for now enjoy the picture. Look for Spiced wine, Cranberry sauce and Key line "cheescake" recipes in Recipes pages.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend y'all!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

We are On the Air!

It's a cold fall day here in Nevada. We are sitting by the fire place, out side is pitch dark and it is not even 6 pm. We have a wonderful soup on the stove and we feel pretty lucky and happy - so much that it is worth sharing with others :)
This is our blog were we share things that are just too awesome to be left unmentioned.

Hope you find it worth sharing as well,

Yifat & Bob